We are very sorry that your Quizmaster has been taken ill unexpectedly this afternoon and that he will not be able to present the quiz today. However, we have a pre-recorded quiz available so that your club can still go ahead, although the children will be using paper and pen instead of their handsets for the quiz.
If you have not already done so, please download and print off an answer card for each player by clicking here
Please find the recorded quiz for this afternoon's club below. Simply input the four digit passcode you have from your confirmation of your booking for this week and then click on the arrow to run the quiz.
You can then set the quiz to full screen by clicking on the icon towards the bottom of the screen.
The quiz runs automatically and, once started, does not need to be controlled by an operator. However, by hovering over the bottom of the screen, you can access controls that allow you to stop, start, pause, rewind and fast forward to suit the pace you would like to run the quiz at.
We hope the children enjoy the quiz today and we will be back to normal with the Quizmaster presenting the quiz as usual with the children using their handsets next week.